Spare Parts & Accessories for Boats
Accessories for Your A+T Instruments Products and Compatible Brands
Depth 170kHz to N2K Compatible & NMEA 0183

This will convert data from a 170kHz depth sensor to N2K or NMEA 0183 as required.
N2K Compatible Transducer Change Over Switch

Gravity Transducer Change Over Switch

Loadcell Amplifier, serial & 0-5v output

Converts standard load cells or load pins into RS232, NMEA 0183, CANbus (NMEA 2000 ready), Bluetooth option or 0-5V analogue data. It also has a trip relay for use as an alarm output or limit switch. This unit can be connected directly to our Stowe Dataline GX display and Loadpin to work as a standalone system, with user friendly calibration and alarm settings carried out entirely from the display buttons. Alternatively it can also be calibrated from a PC connected via RS232 or via a push button and adjustment inside the top cover. The unit has two RS232/NMEA inputs and can be programmed to multiplex these inputs to combine data with the measured load before re-transmitting it via any one of the outputs. The output of the unit can be logged using a PC running Expedition software. In general it offers fantastic accuracy, stability and noise immunity.
Loadcell Amplifier, Fastnet & Ethernet output

NMEA0183 to Paddlewheel output

The NMEA Paddlewheel converts NMEA from either a GPS or electromagnetic log to a paddlewheel output suitable for connecting directly to an instrument system, such as a B&G Hydra/Hercules.
NMEA0183 to 213 Mast Head Unit Converter

Converts NMEA into the analogue signals required by a B&G Hydra system
A+T Suncover for MFD/PHD and 3020

Silicon covers are soft, flexible, easy to clean and easy to store. Shipped with all A+T Multi Function Displays, 3020s and Pilot Head Displays, but are also compatible with B&G 20/20s and B&G H3000 GFDs & FFDs.